Veggie Bucks Survey Did you participate in this year’s Veggie Bucks Program? * Yes No Which site did you get your Veggie Bucks from? * Cattaraugus Indian Reservation Health Center (CIRHC) Community Health and Wellness Center (CHWC) Lionel R. John Health Center (LRJHC) Did you use the Veggie Bucks to purchase foods that you wouldn’t normally buy? * Yes No Did having Veggie Bucks allow you and your family to eat more vegetables? * Yes No Since having Veggie Bucks, are you more likely to shop at local farm stands? * Yes No Are you satisfied with the selection of vendors? * Yes No What local vendors would you recommend for future years? What did you like about the Veggie Bucks Program? How could we improve the Veggie Bucks Program? Additional comments or recommendations? Submit Form